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NCC Bihar & Jharkhand to go for Online Enrollment of cadets in view of Covid-19

NCC Bihar & Jharkhand to go for Online Enrollment of cadets in view of Covid-19

Owing to prevailing Covid 19 situation ,National Cadet Corps (NCC), Bihar & Jharkhand is formulating plan for ‘Online Enrollment’ of students in the NCC  for the year 2020-2021. The enrolment is likely to commence in August 2020. The central government has extended the last date of enrolment to 31 Oct 2020 .

             In view of Covid-19 crisis, NCC is preparing for an online enrollment process with minimal physical contact/examination in consultation with Department of Youth Affairs, Bihar and Jharkhand States. All institutions are being requested to formulate the online process in consultation with affiliated NCC units and intimate students accordingly.

 Those students, whose school or college is not affiliated to NCC, may also enroll under Open Unit System. Under this system, NCC ‘A’ & ‘ B’ certificate holders may also apply for enrolment  ‘B’ & ‘C’ certificate course. Such students may contact the nearest NCC unit.

             For juniors studying in classes 9 &10, the minimum - maximum age criteria for enrolment is 13-18 years. Whereas, maximum age for senior students, studying in classes 11 or undergraduate courses, is 26 years.

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